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Image by Vlad Kutepov

Portfolio temperature

Data source provider

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

Use cases

Exposure quantification, Financial stability monitoring, Investment and lending decisions, Scenario analysis

Data group

GHG emissions

Metric Type


Methodology/ Standard / Classification/ Taxonomy / Reference

1. Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI)
2. Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) - World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Unit (e.g. CO2)

Degree Celsius

Dimension (e.g. Sector, Customer)

By Sector

Time horizon 



Not available

Time series

Not available



Observation on data availability/gaps

The CDP-WWF temperature rating methodology is an open-source methodology which translates targets into an intuitive metric. It consists of three steps- a target protocol that converts emission targets to temperatures; a company protocol that aggregates the targets into an overall score; and a portfolio protocol that weights the scores across an investment portfolio.

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