Data group
Biodiversity and forestry indicators
Metric Type
Physical vulnerability
Methodology/ Standard / Classification/ Taxonomy / Reference
TNFD (The LEAP Approach)
Unit (e.g. CO2)
Not applicable
Dimension (e.g. Sector, Customer)
By Location (map)
Time horizon
Upon Update
Time series
Observation on data availability/gaps
Data available where in the link, the data provider mapped the cumulative impact of human activities on global oceans from 2003 to 2013. They found that the impact is increasing for the majority of the ocean (59%). Most of the increase was due to climate change but also from fishing, land-based pollution, and shipping. The data from this analysis are available from KNB, with a package for each stressor (link to the KNB package by clicking the “Data package name”). All raster files are .tif format and coordinate reference system is mollweide wgs84.