Land use: share of agriculture land, food production index, landcover transitions
Data source provider
European Space Agency (ESA)
Use cases
Climate-related disclosures, Exposure quantification, Financial stability monitoring, Investment and lending decisions, Macro-economic modelling, Scenario analysis, Stress testing
Data group
Biodiversity and forestry indicators
Metric Type
Physical vulnerability
Methodology/ Standard / Classification/ Taxonomy / Reference
European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative Land Cover Project/ UN Land Cover Classification System (LLCCS).
Unit (e.g. CO2)
Landcover (300m spatial resolution)
Dimension (e.g. Sector, Customer)
By Country
Time horizon
Time series
Observation on data availability/gaps
The website provides access to various datasets published by the Land Cover ECV project including interactive globe of Land cover class defined in LCCS (1992-01–2015-12) Version: 2.0.7. The CCI Land Cover project has developed global land cover maps based on multitemporal satellite observations in the visible, infrared and microwave wavelengths, using Envisat MERIS, AVHRR, SPOT-Vegetation, PROBA-V and ASAR sensors. The land cover types shown are based on the UN Land Cover Classification System (LLCCS).