Flood-related impacts (i.e. Households impacted, number of buildings damaged/impacted, estimated economics loss and insured loss and past flood footprint)
Data source provider
Climate Impact Explorer/CLIMADAA
Use cases
Exposure quantification, Financial stability monitoring, Investment and lending decisions, Macro-economic modelling, Scenario analysis, Stress testing
Data group
Exposure to physical risks
Metric Type
Physical vulnerability
Methodology/ Standard / Classification/ Taxonomy / Reference
CLIMADA (open-source natural catastrophe damage model that implements the Economics of Climate Adaptation methodology)
Unit (e.g. CO2)
Annual Expected Damage from River Floods in %
Dimension (e.g. Sector, Customer)
By Country
Time horizon
Latest Update
Time series
Observation on data availability/gaps
Climate Impact Explorer publishes projections on how climate impact indicators will play out over time at current emissions reductions levels (according to the scenario used by the Network for Greening the Financial System) and in other policy relevant scenarios, and how they will affect Malaysia and different states, at different levels of warming. The annual expected damage from river floods is given in 2005 US$, and is defined as the level of damage from such events that is expected to occur every year on average. Projections were calculated assuming that both the size and the repartition of GDP would stay constant as of 2005.