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Image by Vlad Kutepov

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) score/rating

Data source provider

SONA Analytics

Use cases

Climate-related disclosures, Exposure quantification, Investment and lending decisions

Data group

Climate-related index and scoring

Metric Type

Combined metrics

Methodology/ Standard / Classification/ Taxonomy / Reference

Sona Sustainability Credit Score System (SSCSS)

Unit (e.g. CO2)

ESG Score rating

Dimension (e.g. Sector, Customer)

By Entity

Time horizon 



Not available

Time series

Not available



Observation on data availability/gaps

The Sona Climate Risk Assessment System (SCRAS) meticulously evaluates climate-related risks and opportunities, providing financial institutions with invaluable insights to enhance their lending practices. Some key features include company ratings categorized into five risk levels, risk assessment compared against industry peers and global standards, measurement and explanation of company’s exposure to specific ESG and Sustainability Risks, ratings range from AAA to D relative to industry peer standards, and final scores determined by analysts considering transition and physical risk materiality.

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