Data group
Climate-related index and scoring
Metric Type
Combined metrics
Methodology/ Standard / Classification/ Taxonomy / Reference
1. Rating provider's methodology
2. ESGBook: Arabesque S-Ray Methodology (Global Compact (GC) Score, ESG Score, Temperature Score)
3. R1ESGo
Unit (e.g. CO2)
1. Climate Risk / ESG Score rating
2. GC Score: (0-100) on human rights, labour right, environment, anti-corruption
3. ESG Score: (0-100) on environmental, social, and governance
4. Temperature Score:
• (tCO2/m$US) on emissions intensity ratio (EIR)
• range from (1.5°C, 2°C, 2.7°C, >2.7°C, 3°C) on the temperature score and is reflected on scenario category
Dimension (e.g. Sector, Customer)
By Sector
Time horizon
Latest update
Time series
Latest update
Observation on data availability/gaps
Different methodologies and scales would require internal evaluation, as it is not transparent on how the ESG scoring is derived. The coverage of companies also varies across these platforms. S&P Global ESG Scores are uniquely informed by in-depth company engagement via the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).